TReasure Mountain:

Fine Motor Skill Puzzle tOY

For this project, my team and I created a toy that provides sensory input and stimulation all while allowing a child to practice their fine motor skills in a fun and engaging way.


Treasure Mountain was especially designed for children to practice gross and fine motor skills as well as exercise problem-solving. The objective of the user is to explore the mountain and find the buried treasure inside. In the process, the user will contend with a series of layers and puzzles that get progressively more difficult. 








Indoor PlaySET:

Interactive Sensory Stimulation playground

My team and I were tasked with creating a product that would provide sensory stimulation and engaging activities to encourage a young girl with Vestibular Issues to regulate her body in a safe, appropriate, and engaging manner.

We came up with an Indoor Playset which features various elements for her to interact with and use.




Corn Popper:

Rhetorical Analysis & Re-engineering

For this project, I reverse-engineered a highly popular child’s toy, the Corn Popper. The purpose of the Corn Popper is to encourage a child to practice walking in a fun and exciting way.

I will be able to utilize the strategies and knowledge that I have gained and incorporate it into my next big project, designing and creating toys for children in need.






Interactive Arithmetic Equation Board

MathMonster was inspired by the desire to help elementary school students who are struggling with basic arithmetic. My team and I recognized the frustration and overwhelming feelings these students experience, despite the best efforts made by their teachers. Seeing this issue in our community motivated us to create a better learning experience for foundational skills.

This product will allow a student to form equations to solve, as well as practice their math comprehension.




Backboard Bully

Personal Self-esteem Builder 

A problem my team and I noticed is that more often than not, Basketball players of all skill levels lack an affordable and reliable way to work on scoring goals while simulating a realistic in-game atmosphere and stress, including the negative and positive feedback from bystanders regarding the quality of their play.


My team’s solution was to create “BackBoard Bully”, a user-friendly innovative system that helps players to overcome the fear and intimidation of the crowd jeers and insults towards them.