 Personal Safety Protection Unit


For this project, I was tasked with designing and creating a hand-operated controller (a.k.a. a remote) for a user group of my choice, this could be fictional or non-fictional group. The remote needed to control a related set of tasks through the manipulation of several physical inputs by the user. The goal was to create a remote that is well designed with respect to manufacturability, interaction, and emotional appeal. I decided to choose my theme and scenario as “Jurassic Park”.



User Scenario capturing the need

The year is 1993 and you find yourself in the thrilling role of a paleontologist immersed in an extraordinary experience visiting the exclusive “Jurassic Park” theme resort before its grand opening to the public. Just as the name suggests, this is an island full of with living, breathing dinosaurs. However, things take a dangerous turn when a power failure during a stormy night sets the bloodthirsty dinosaurs free!

Suddenly, the situation transforms into a desperate battle of survival for you and a group of children who have become trapped on the island. As chaos ensues, you find yourselves stranded in an open area, seeking refuge inside one of the park’s jeeps as the mighty T-rex breaks free from its enclosure. It’s rainy, muddy, and worst of all the t-rex finds all of you quite appealing as a snack, particularly the defenseless children. What can you do? If only you had a way to distract or repel the t-rex…


Conclusion: Visitors to Jurassic Park will find themselves in dangerous and fear inducing situations



Shown above is a mood board that I put together showcasing the different elements of Jurassic Park as well as the users that are within this world.




Below is a summation of images that track my progress of the creation of DinoGuard, starting from idea to physical product.

(Sketch of the initial remote design)

(Prototype of remote)

(Solidworks Model of remote)

(Inside of remote)


(Exploded view of remote)


(Cross-section view of the remote model)


(Soldering electrical elements together)


(Intended safety features of remote)

(Electrical circuit of remote)



The DinoGuard remote features two protective measures to protect its user against hungry dino attacks. The “Flashlight” which is activated by the top button, employs the built-in light on the top of the remote to blind and distract the dinosaurs while the “Dino Repellent Activator” button allows one to control the “Dino repellent sprayer automatic stations” that are strategically located across the island to scare away the dinosaurs with sweet fragrances such as flowers and perfume.


Recognizing the importance of user-centered design, I knew I had to design a remote that not only effectively carried out the task functions that it controlled but also communicated task completion to users in a clear and understandable manner. This involved implementing feedback mechanisms, such as visual or auditory cues, to ensure users were informed about the status of their actions. This was accomplished through means of notable button clicks and a distinct feel upon pressing the buttons, as well as coupled with an indicator light on the remote to inform the user that that the action they completed (such as activating the automatic repellent stations) was successfully deployed and in use. 


Moreover, prioritizing the remote’s ease of use was paramount in the design process. To achieve this, emphasis was placed on creating an intuitive interface that minimized unnecessary complexity. Clear button layouts, logical sequences, and straightforward functionalities were integrated to enhance user understanding. This approach aimed to make the remote accessible to a wide range of users, regardless of their technical expertise, promoting a seamless and frustration-free interaction.


Lastly, the overall design of the remote was also carefully crafted to ensure maximum user friendliness in mind. This is accomplished through an intuitive layout accommodating a variety of hand sizes and user preferences as well as through means of elevated buttons which enable a user to easily locate them by touch. Additionally, the remote’s size mirrors that of a standard phone, providing a familiar and comfortable feel. Vibrant yellow strips on each side serve dual purposes, acting as both eye-catching design elements and comfortable rubber grips. This ensures a secure hold, preventing the remote from feeling unfamiliar. Moreover, the device features soft, rounded edges for ergonomic comfort and is constructed to be durable yet lightweight, mitigating any fatigue associated with carrying it around and eliminating any intimidation factor.






Skills gained & takeaway:

  • Learned how manufacture according to standards.
  • Explored the intersections of beauty and utility in design.
  • Utilized systems engineering approach for new product development.
  • Practiced visceral, behavioral, and reflective aspects of emotional design.


Engaging in this project presented both challenges and moments of enjoyment. Countless hours were dedicated to meticulous fine-tuning, ensuring every element operated seamlessly. In conclusion, the satisfaction derived from the successful completion of this remote is immense. Reflecting on the journey, I find a sense of accomplishment, and I eagerly anticipate diving into my next project, fueled by the lessons learned and the excitement of future creative endeavors.