Indoor PlaySET:

Interactive Sensory Stimulation playground


For our project, my team and I worked with REACH Services, a local therapy center dedicated to helping children with disabilities. Our client is a three-year-old girl who has vestibular issues, which is a disorder that affects the nerve of the inner ear called the vestibulocochlear nerve. This nerve sends balance and head position information from the inner ear to the brain, causing our client (whom we shall call Rose) to have concentration difficulties. Rose needed a way to regulate her body in a safe, appropriate, and engaging manner while providing sensory stimulation. We proposed to set up an indoor playset that would provide her a place where she could burn off energy in a controlled environment. The drawings are showing our concept of how the indoor playset will be.


The playset was broken down into multiple interactive areas such as a converted bunk bed, hammock, covered play space with a slide, sorting shapes game, interactive gear wall, and alphabet bead abacus. After many iterations and careful planning, our project was divided into several sub-projects (different components) among my team members. I focused on the design of the “Shape Sorter” game.

Shape Sorter Game:

Sketches and Planning

Shown below are several versions of concept art for the game layout and look. I originally was thinking of having 9 shapes but decided to change it to 6 for easier placement and appearance.


Version 1

Version 2

Version 3

Solidworks cad

Once I figured out the dimensions and sizing, I created the SOLIDWORKS CAD models for the shapes. Shown are the cross, hexagon, triangle, heart,circle, and square as well as the shape cutout panel. The shapes will be 3d printed and the panel will be cut out of plywood. 

















After the shapes had been 3-D printed, I noticed the edges were quite sharp. Another issue I ran across was that the blocks would go through the other hole cutouts rather than their respective ones. To fix the problems, I edited the files to feature rounded sides to be pleasant to the touch and tweaked the sizing for each block.

                             (Sharp Edges)



            (Rounded Edges)


Construction & Finishing Touches

I reprinted the 3d shapes, laser cut the shapes panel out, and constructed the box to which the panel was mounted, sanded down the edges, and fixed it to the bed double-checking it sat flush with the bed frame side.





           (Shapes in Panel)



 (Finished Shape Sorter)



Game Piece Elements and completion :

Shown are the other game pieces we created as well as the bed. 

(Beads for Abacus)

(Put together bed frame)


(Foam Mats for Playset)

(Interactive Gear Game)


(Parts for Playset Construction)


(Completed Playset)

(Constructed Shape Sorter Game)


(Putting together the Gear Wall)

(Constructed Abacus Game)




Skills gained & takeaway:

  • Learned the inner workings of SOLIDWORKS
  • Operation of essential tools such as Laser Cutter
  • Time management and effective communication
  • Presentation and technical write ups


This project allowed me to express my creative side and bring  my ideas into reality. I am glad to have had this opportunity to create something meaningful that I know has helped a child in need.

I shared the excitement and joy of Engineering Design with all those around me, working as a team and having fun while designing, prototyping, and building products. This major inspires a growing passion for STEAM in me, encouraging to push my limits and pursue my dreams.