 Re-engineered stand for imac


In undertaking this project, my primary objective was to devise a solution that grants iMac users the flexibility to seamlessly transition between a wall-mounted configuration and a desktop setting, all without the necessity of visiting an Apple store. 



User Scenario capturing the need

Helen is a civil engineer that works for Chicago Bridge and Iron in their structures analysis division. Helen has been a user of Apple computers for many years. She purchased her latest iMac during the pandemic when she was working from home. Consequently, she purchased the wall-mounted iMac to facilitate her working at a standing desk, her preferred workplace setup. Now that she has returned to the office, she would like to move her iMac back to her sitting desk where she likes to relax after work: browsing the internet, working on digital art projects, and reading the news. She doesn’t want to purchase a monitor arm or put screws into her desk surface. She prefers the Apple style and does not want to mar her desk.


Opportunity: Create a product that supports a wall mount, 24” iMac on a horizontal work surface.



Shown above is the proposed iStand I designed, mounted onto a standard iMac system as well as the iStand itself pictured on the right.




Design & Modeling

Below is a summation of images that track my progress of the creation of DinoGuard, starting from idea to physical product.

(Sketch of the proposed iStand design)

(iStand allows for easy cable management)

(Sketching the profile of the iStand base)

(Base of iStand)


(Base leg of iStand)


(VERSA Mount head of iStand)


(iStand allows for storage space)


    (Exploded view of iStand)



The iStand is constructed from 3 intricately interconnected parts: the base, leg, and head mount. These elements harmoniously come together, forming a unified and sturdy stand. At the heart of its versatility is the VERSA mount head, which allows users to effortlessly attach their existing wall-mounted Mac to the stand, thus it eliminates the need for a visit to the Apple store for system conversion, providing users with a seamless experience and saving them from unnecessary trouble and hassle.


Aligning with Apple’s specific design guidelines and build quality, the iStand is not merely a functional accessory but a design masterpiece that complements the aesthetic allure of Apple products. Beyond its visual appeal, the stand prioritizes user-friendly principles. The assembly process is straightforward, and the stand’s intuitive design ensures ease of use, catering to to a variety of users.


As a result, the iStand seamlessly integrates into the Apple design standards, offering a practical and visually pleasing addition to the user’s workspace. Its thoughtful design, technological innovation, and user-centered features position it as a standout accessory, enhancing both the functionality and aesthetics of the user’s Mac setup.






Skills gained & takeaway:

  • Learned visceral, behavioral, and reflective aspects of emotional design.
  • Utilized manufacturing techniques and standards.
  • Practiced effective documentation of product and created proposal.
  • Incorporated VOC needs and specifications into product.


Engaging in this project provided a valuable opportunity for me to hone and apply my skills in designing with a keen focus on injection molding guidelines. This hands-on experience not only allowed me to put theoretical knowledge into practice but also deepened my understanding of the intricacies involved in creating designs that align seamlessly with the requirements and constraints of the injection molding process.


The biggest challenge I faced related to the need of developing a versatile yet user-friendly mechanism that would empower users to adapt their iMac setup to different preferences and requirements at their convenience. This involved a careful consideration of design elements, technological innovation, and user experience to ensure a practical and accessible solution for users seeking the utmost flexibility in their iMac usage.